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The Vanilla Slice (some assembly required)

Ok folks, I finally made a vanilla slice. In fact I made a Chantilly Vanilla Slice, which means that there is another layer, a "second" layer, if you will.

It goes a bit like this. (Recipe is from

Pull out square tin and realise that it is 3cm smaller than what is required and  that the sides are not high enough. Forge on anyway.

Buy copious amounts of cream and wonder what you will do with it all should you never get the energy up to make the slice.

Important Step: Wait until your small child is out of the house. This recipe requires lots of maintenance along the way and you can't nip off to untangle your child from a marionette toy or lift him off the top of the fridge.

Step 1.Pastry. I bought it from the shop. I don't need to make an already overly step laden process more difficult by making pastry and that's that. Cook three sheets at high heat and let them puff up.. They look like adorable little pillows, and then they puff back down to be manageably flat.

de puffed

Step 2. Custard. It isn't "real" custard, it's cheats custard, made with packet mix and sugar. I know that some of you are starting to think "Is she a REAL cook? I mean bought pastry and packet custard?". I agree with you, but frankly I'm not proud and I didn't have much time before 3 year old returned to carry on his reign of terror.

The custard step was made a bit more lengthy by me not realising that the flame had gone out on the stove and I stirred for about 20 mins, feeling perturbed that it wasn't getting any thicker. Lit the stove and things progressed more normally. Took fricken ages though. Needed to pee the whole time.

Step 3. Layer one assemblage.
Placed the pasty at the bottom after cutting and aligning all three sheets to be approx the same. Poured the custard over, not all the custard though given my small tin...I then popped the second layer on. I should note here that I couldn't get past the feeling that it was all not going to set properly and that I wouldn't be able to get it out of the tin and that it would all be a miserably gooey failure. So that was on my mind a bit. (But I finally got to pee)

second pastry layer - CHECK!

Step 4. I beat the cream with some real vanilla and sugar and then laid that on too. Now I was really worried as this was right at the top of the tin and I could see the possibility of the cream squooshing out. Still it all stayed in place.

Two hours in the fridge and I had this:

out of tin - CHECK
structural integrity maintained - CHECK

It wasn't that hard to get out of the tin, I used the extra baking paper on each side to gingerly lift it out. Apart from the stupid tin wanting to follow the slice like a puppy, I managed to hoik it onto a plate! Wooo! (small dance). The I edged the bottom bit of paper out, not in the manner of a French waiter with a tablecloth, but slowly and painstakingly. But it looks pretty solid. (quiet noise of excitements leaks from mouth).

Step 5. Icing. I made a simple passionfruit icing and poured it over.. and TA-DA

Marry me! Marry me now!
Run away with me! Oh Heathcliff, Oh Cathy!

You want to marry it don't you. I am so unbelievably awesome that I might have to cure cancer now.

Recipe :


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