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Ginger Slice with Spiced Caramel Icing

This recipe looked particularly lovely, and I have a slavish devotion to ginger at any rate. I'm telling you right away, this is my favourite slice at the moment, knocking "the bus drivers' mother in laws almond slice" off the top. It is:

1. Easy to make
2. Smells good whilst cooking
3. Tastes VERY good indeed.

I find that people who are ginger lovers are pretty fixated in general, I think that this one is a bit of a winner all round, but ginger-nuts.. this one's for you.

I have a whole container at the moment, as you can see from the pic,

125 grams butter room temp
100g castor sugar
225g SR flour
2 tsp ginger

Caramel icing
150g butter
230g icing sugar
80 ml golden syrup
1 1/2 Tbs ginger
Preheat over to 180

Grease and line a 20 x 30cm lamington or slice tray. Mine is 17 x 27 for some crazy reason and I had no issue with that. Allow the paper to overhang the sides a bit.

Beat the butter and sugar until pale and creamy. Add flour and ginger and stir until it resembles bread crumbs. Press evenly into the tray and then bake for about  20 to 25 mins or until pale golden and you burn your finger checking.

Meanwhilst: make the icing - throw all ingredients into a saucepan and melt together on low heat. Stir until smooth and then pour over base. I waited until the base had cooled a bit before I did this, but they don't say that in the recipe.. that was just my slicey-sense tingling.

Let it cool and then cut and eat baby. Cut and eat.


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