This is a short but fervent blog entry regarding butter icing, or "frosting" as those crazy cats in America put it. I guess it looks like snow, thus frosting. Or perhaps it sits on the top, like ah, frost does. As you can see I have done some fairly careful research. I have a couple of great icing recipes, anyone who reads this blog knows that I tend to favour the good old lemon juice icing. It's a classic: timeless, white and pristinely drippy (fuck off spellcheck, pristinely may not be a word, but if Words with Friends can refuse "wize", then I rest my case. And I don't care that I mixed my metaphors and I also don't care that wize isn't actually a word). Let's get back to frosting, let's leave nasty pedantic grammatical shit behind us and glide into the world of butter and icing sugar, beaten together to form the queen of the toppings. Gabe loves frosting - that is a given, what child doesn't like frosting? He likes cupcakes simply...
Cooking, general chitchat about child rearing and compelling images of baked goods.